Do you know that what is a carburetor ?

A carburetor is a device used to mix air and fuel in an internal combustion engine. It is also known as a carburettor, carburator, or carburateur. The word carburetor comes from the Latin word carbō, meaning coal. Carburetors have been used in automobiles since the early days of their development.
The basic principle behind the carburetor is that it mixes a quantity of vaporized fuel with air in order to create a combustible mixture that can be ignited in the engine. The ratio of fuel to air can be adjusted to provide the best performance for a particular engine application. In addition, the carburetor can also be used to adjust the engine's speed and power characteristics.
Carburetors were first used as a device for mixing fuel with air in the early days of the automobile. It was common for most gasoline engines during this era to be built without an electrical ignition system, and most engines simply relied on the high temperature caused by compressed combustion gases to ignite the fuel mixture. However, temperature alone is not enough to burn the fuel, because it must also mix properly with air in order to obtain proper combustion.
The earliest carburetors featured float bowls that supplied fuel at near atmospheric pressure. It is very difficult to measure or adjust this type of carburetor's fuel supply without special tools or equipment, thus these types are rarely used today in automotive applications.
The next step in the evolution of carburetors was the spray-bar type, which used mechanical pressure to deliver fuel at high pressure into an open chamber. As with float bowl carburetors, they are difficult to adjust and most are not used on modern vehicles. The final step in the development of carburetion for automobiles was the constant depression principle that allowed precise control over the fuel mixture. It also allowed small modifications that produced significant improvements in engine performance.
The carburetor works on Bernoulli's principle. When air is forced through a small hole or nozzle, its velocity increases. This increase in speed causes a decrease in air pressure. Since the pressure of the fuel in the float bowl is atmospheric, the higher-pressure air forces some of the fuel into the airstream. The fuel and air are then mixed together in the carburetor throat and combustion takes place.
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The carburetor must be calibrated correctly in order to provide the correct air/fuel mixture for a particular engine application. In addition, it must be tuned to ensure that it provides optimum performance. There are several adjustments that can be made to a carburetor, including the air/fuel mixture, the idle speed, and the throttle valve.
A modern fuel-injection system performs many of the same functions as a carburetor, but it is much more complex and difficult to adjust. Many early fuel-injection systems were not very reliable and often caused more problems than they solved. However, as computer technology has advanced, fuel-injection systems have become increasingly more reliable and are now the standard in most automotive applications.
Some vehicles still use carburetors in certain applications, such as racing vehicles or antique automobiles. However, the days of the carburetor are numbered, as most manufacturers are moving away from this type of fuel delivery system in favor of fuel-injection systems.
Carburetor's were originally used to mix gasoline with air to create a combustible mixture that could be ignited in the engine. The ratio of fuel to air can be adjusted to provide the best performance for a particular engine application. In addition, the carburetor can also be used to adjust the engine's speed and power characteristics.
Advantages of carburetor over fuel injection
A carburetor is less expensive to manufacture than a fuel injection system.
A carburetor is easier to adjust than a fuel injection system.
A carburetor can be used in a wide range of engine applications, from very small engines to large engines.
A carburetor is less complex than a fuel injection system.
Disadvantages of carburetor over fuel injection
A carburetor requires more frequent maintenance than a fuel injection system.
A carburetor is not as fuel-efficient as a fuel injection system.
A carburetor can be more sensitive to changes in altitude and weather conditions than a fuel injection system.
A carburetor can be more difficult to tune than a fuel injection system.
A carburetor is more susceptible to damage than a fuel injection system.
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